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#Week 11

During Week 11, my main objective was to further create roof materials for the necessity buildings, UV unwrap further the models, and start with the creation of the trimsheet texture that is going to be used across all game models. Roof materials

So far, all of the buildings have been missing textures for their roofs. I decided to go with tiling textures yet again since it would be easier to control the tiling in Unreal. The textures that I needed to create were shingles (for school necessity and houses) and tar rooftops (hospital and shop necessities). The previous placeholder texture provided by Quint had too much surface damage so I tried to keep the details to a minimum with mine. Most of the details came from the base color and roughness maps.

UV unwrapping roofs

Similar to how I approached the UV unwrapping of the buildings, I tried to keep the UV islands as flat as possible to provide for cleaner tiling. I tried to keep the distortion to minimum. Testing in Unreal 5

Once I was done with all of the preparations, I put the updated models in Unreal to set up their materials and preview the result since, as I mentioned previously, the previews in both Maya and Substance Designer were not reliable. I hooked the materials and with some basic settings got the following results:

The school and shop necessities with their roof materials applied

Some things were off, for example the texel density between the 2 different rooftops on the school necessity and that was something that I quickly adjusted afterwards.

Starting the texture atlas

To keep everything as optimized as possible, we opted to use texture atlas for the small details in both the houses and necessity buildings (ornamental details in the facades, extra meshes like walls, etc.) First step was to come up with the amount and types of materials that I needed to include in the trim. Once I had those, I started to work on the general layout of each trim (deciding the size of each part in relation to the size of the surface that it needed to be mapped onto).

I decided to go for a quick test before I moved any further with the rest of the trims, just to see how I would approach mapping the trim sheet. For this, I create a metal roofing trim which I then mapped on the edges of the roof. Similar to the tiling textures, to properly use the trim sheet, I needed to map the UVs completely flat (straight). This introduced distortions in the textures which I figured out that I can 'fight off' by adding more edge loops to better support the mesh and minimize stretching.

The first test with the trim sheet in Maya

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