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#Week 6- Plan of approach and more art testing

During week 6, I mainly worked on recapping the results from the art test from week 5 and updating the Art Pipeline document. After that was done, I moved on to creating the first draft of the plan of approach for the environment assets. This was done by creating a list of needed assets and textures which I then discussed together with Quint and the rest of the team. The asset list reviewed that more visual research had to be done, mainly research on how to visualize amenities for DTC. Besides the planning, Quint and I also worked on more art testing- the main focus this time was the road and sidewalk textures that Quint made and how could they be stylized to better fit with the rest of the assets. During the testing, we noticed that there was some shading issue, where the texture darkens and lightens based on its rotation. That is something that we are going to try and tackle in the upcoming weeks.

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