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Week 12


- The telemetry tool needs to be finished before the start of alpha testing


- Continue working on the telemetry tool and finish it up by the end of this week.


- After discussing the hexagon coordinate system, I continued implementing the component s of the tool. This had to be done in C++ as the blueprint system didn't support text file exporting. The features added as stated in the telemetry document are: 1. Recording of building placement and replacement. The following format should be followed: tile coordinate, old building on tile (or tile state), new building on tile, time placed. 2. Number of times the left or right mouse button is pressed during the session. 3. Time spent in session in minutes and seconds.

4. Total score at the beginning of the session. 5. Total score at the end of the session. Result: - The components were added successfully. The only issue was the total score not being calculated on my end. This will be discussed with Mathijs to ensure it works on every system (not just his). Reflection: - Unfortunately since C++ had to be used, we need to make sure that everyone that works on the project and is going to use the telemetry tool will be able to compile the C++ code. This also means they will have to install Visual Studio (otherwise there might even just be some issues with starting up the project).

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