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  • Foto van schrijverQuint Winter

Week 12-13

One of these weeks I was sick so I wasn't able to produce a lot things. I have combined week 12 and 13 in one because I was working on the same tasks.

For these weeks I had worked on

  • worked on the dynamic ambiance audio which is almost done now.

  • it includes: audio based on population density, reverb/audio volume based on height of the camera

  • not as much as I had hoped but my brain struggle with math big time

  • learned about audio busses within UE which will be useful for the future when implenting more audio.

Updated Blueprint for the ambiance, it's now very interactive with the positions of the camera.

Task list for the ambiance

Example video of the ambiance

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Week 14

For this week I have been working on the audio assets list, creating the sounds needed for the game and researching/referencing how the...


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