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  • Stanislav Stoyanov

Alpha Preparations (Week 11 & 12)

The goals for weeks 11 and 12 were to coordinate the prototype to a testable alpha version.

To do that, I worked on updating the roadmap for the alpha prototype, UI, onboarding, implementation and playtest preparation.

Throughout the weeks, I participated in discussions about the current priorities and updated them accordingly. I made sure to take into account the current team pace, the estimated difficulty of the test and what is necessary from a UX perspective. The results for that were weekly deliverables for the team and small-scale priority maps.

My initial priority was preparing onboarding materials, to make sure that players could grasp the game concept. I made a few variations of it, including a single infographic screen and a broken-down infographic including highlights of important elements on the screen. After feedback from the team, I created one variation, including interactive elements, including placing constructions, to increase engagement and make it more digestible. I created the initial variations in Figma, while for the latter I created a UX flow and script document. Based on those, Max created wireframes.

Later, I worked on implementing a better UX flow for placing/replacing constructions, focusing on player feedback at all times and the intuitiveness of interactions. For that, I followed the UX flow I created earlier, based on audience and competitor research. In the beginning, I had to get accustomed to the building system in Unreal Engine created by engineering and understand how it works. Afterward, I used it to implement my part, which required a few changes, as I understood better how the system works.

After the UX was implemented, I also worked on the UI implementation, for which I followed tutorials, to ensure it was implemented in a good, modular way.

Lastly, I created documentation for telemetry, which will be used to gather data directly after play sessions in Unreal Engine. I also prepared the questionnaire that will be filled by participants at the end of a test session. This was focused on 4 main areas: audience (to ensure our testing audience is diverse), accessibility (to ensure the world and interactions are understandable), gameplay (to ensure it is engaging) and meaning (to ensure it completes its goal of raising awareness).

Looking back, I think the work was done efficiently and in a good quality. Those weeks I was also busy searching for graduation, which took some of my energy, so taking this into account, I am happy with my accomplishments.

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