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  • Stanislav Stoyanov

Pre-Production Wrap-Up (Week 9)

Situation: This week we are concluding the Pre-Production phase for the Design department, meaning that we are slowly moving away from concepting and visualizing to balancing and detailing.

Tasks: My tasks are divided as follows: creating building system data for the engineer, creating UI mockups for the UI, and conducting post-level surveys.


  • To create the data flow for the building system, I began by researching different diagramming techniques. I experimented with a regular flowchart and a sequence diagram, but ultimately chose to use a data flow diagram. I found that it was the most effective way to visualize inputs, outputs, and processes in a clear and simple manner. Once I had the diagram framework, I proceeded to fill in the content and had it reviewed by Mathijs.

  • I completed the score UI variations last week. This week, I took the selected variation, improved its component structure, and created an interactive mockup. Additionally, I assisted in defining the variations for the Building system UI.

  • To create the post-level survey, I started by researching inspiration and setting goals. Our objective is to design a survey that is brief and concise, while still gathering valuable data on citizens' needs and preferences. Next, I drafted the questions and potential answers, and submitted it for review.

Reflection: The sprint went well. Although I had hoped to completely finish the building system UI, we had to cut the sprint a bit shorter due to some external circumstances.

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