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  • Stanislav Stoyanov

Mid-term (Week 10)

Situation: This week was focused on delivering the mid-term presentation and finish up the fundamentals of the gameplay.


  • Help create and deliver mid-term presentation

  • Visualize road map

  • Finish up post level survey

  • Create building system Lo-Fi UI mockup

  • Document Character, Camera, Controls (CCC) system


  • To create the mid-term pitch, we began by discussing the desired content for it. Then, Mathijs put together the initial version. I reviewed and made revisions to create a second version, and included slides for the designers' learning goals.

  • For the presentation, I documented the roadmap for the project. I made a few adjustments to the scope based on the reviews I received.

  • I finished properly documenting the post-level survey design and had it reviewed.

  • Based on the chosen building system UI variation provided by Max, I refined its component system and prototyped its flow. To ensure quality, I used established games in the genre, such as Cities: Skylines and Simcity as references.

  • Created infographic tutorial. I made a few variations of what is possible but decided that for now this is the best apprach, which I will also discuss with the team.

  • I also created the CCC document. It was the last core system that we had not properly defined. To accomplish this, I conducted competitor research to understand how they handled their CCC system. Based on that, our team had a small discussion to determine our desired controls and camera specifications. I then set goals for the system and documented the system’s functunality. Finally, I had the document reviewed.

  • In addition, I assisted in defining the initial Game Menu Flow and reviewed its iterations as well as the subsequent UI variations.

Reflection: The week went mostly well for design. We finished the Pre-production phase and entered the Production stage. We have completed the content required for the alpha prototype, which makes me happy. Towards the end of the week, we had a team discussion to evaluate the first half of the project. It was agreed that team motivation was low due to the lack of visible progress on the prototype and issues with team ethics. To address this, we decided to implement a stricter schedule to monitor each team member's contribution, clarify our objectives, and emphasize punctuality. I take responsibility for not being present on time at the beginning of the day and will work on improving this in the upcoming week(s).

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