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  • Talitha ten Hagen

Blog Week 12: Blueprint Shader

Situation: Finish the blueprint shader and art of the UI elements.

Task: Blueprint shader fits the style of the game; looks like a blueprint.

Activities: This, I mostly experimented with different visuals for the shader at the hand of various tutorials. On Thursday, I finsihed the version for the Alpha prototype.


Blueprint Shader.

Blueprint Shader with red fresnel overlay (= cannot place the asset).

Reflection: This week was a lot of trial and error. Making a shader is much harder than it seems.

This week I ran into plenty of issues; I ended up with different variations.

Worked on a 'sketch' variation but it looked pretty bad and unsuitable for the style of our game.

Outline is nice, but the blue of the blueprint looks pretty bad.

First, I did not get how I could get to the holographic result but Maria was able to help me out.

Ran into problems, mainly with the triplanar mapping. I could not figure out why the material stayed black. I was able to eventually fix it.

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