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  • Talitha ten Hagen

Blog Week 13: UI Art

Situation: Finish all tasks for prototype week 13.

Task: UI elements have the proper size and are game-ready; a post-processing desaturation shader is created.

Activities: First, I remade the UI elements with incorrect sizes, since I lost the file. Then I updated the art pipeline document (Shader guidelines). After I was done with the tasks of this week, I worked on my individual milestone regarding learning goal 3 (creating UI art). I created a UI style guide.

Result: Tasks of this week were finished in time; UI style guide was created.

Screenshots of UI Style Guide.

Reflection: This week was not so productive. I could have done more but I could not set my mind to it. Of course, this is not an excuse. Next week, I hope to be more productive, especially since I will then focus on learning goal 1: working in Unreal Engine. I will start working on the main menu cinematic. I am more excited to work on this. This week was mainly going back and forth, which was also not too motivating.

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