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  • Talitha ten Hagen

Blog Week 4: Concept Research & Planning Tool


- Write a concept research for potential mechanics/features, plus a look and feel for the game.

- Write a concept one pager so that the client has a clear idea of the chosen concept.

- Work out a planning tool so that everyone involved in the project knows the direction of the project.

Task: - The team lead assigned this since we needed a clear concept to write the one-pager. The art team wanted to come up with a stylesheet and moodboard.

- Have all the necessary information included in the one-pager. Stanislav asked me if I could work on the one-pager and have it finished by the end of the week.

- Set up Scrum and Kanban; create an outline for the entity of the project. Up till now (week 4), no planning was made so I took the task upon myself after discussing it with the team.

Activities: - I looked up mechanics/features common within the city-builder genre and picked out some that could be interesting for our concept. Based on that, I added additional potential features, created a look of how I envisioned the game, and added a audio moodboard for the soundtrack.

Next to that, we (the art team) looked into the potential art style and mood of the game. We analyzed various art styles and together with Maria, we created a moodboard. For this, I relied on competency 1 (technical research and analysis) and 6 (designing).

- For the one-pager, I continued writing where Stanislav left off. I used ChatGPT to create a layout for the one-pager and filled in the information accordingly. Art research such as stylesheets and a moodboard were added as well, since this was done already. For this, I relied on competency 5 (designing, conceptualizing).

- For Scrum, I created a document and filled in the milestones, user stories and tasks. Based on that, I filled in the Trello board (Kanban) with these milestones and tasks. I included roles and deadlines as well. These need to be discussed with the team during the stand-up on Monday (week 5). I relied on competency 9 (organizing, working in a project-based way).

Results: At the end of the week, a concept one-pager was created, stylesheets and a moodboard were created, and a general planning of the project was set up. These outcomes need to be discussed with (part of) the team at the start of week 5.


I did research, discussed work, and made a planning. Though, it may have been a good idea to start the planning a few weeks earlier. We had a slow start and I think the process could have been faster if we had a planning earlier on. For a next time, I would discuss to make the planning earlier on, preferably within the first two weeks.

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