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  • Talitha ten Hagen

Blog Week 5: Cost Calculation & UI Style Guide


The situation was to fill in the cost calculation (since it has not been done up till now) and to create a first version of the UI Style Guide.


- For the cost calculation, try to be as realistic as possible and add sources to each cost.

- For the UI Style Guide, try to match the look and feel of the game while creating the UI elements.


- Cost Calculation: Together with Mark, I made a list of all possible costs we could think of at that moment. I looked into wages (of 2023) of the different roles, fixed costs, and variable costs. All costs are based on research and knowledge of the team. Every cost is followed by a source so this can be checked on any time.

I relied on competency 8, enterprising skills (organizing) for this.

- UI Style Guide: Together with Stan, I made a task list of all necessary items needed in the style guide. Based on that, a logo for our team (Digital Twin Cities, DTC) was designed, a color palette and typography were chosen, and buttons and icons were created. To create this style guide, various sources written by professionals were researched.

I relied on competency 4, investigating and analyzing (designing) to research various sources. And I relied on competency 6, designing to create a foundational style guide.


In one week, the cost calculation was created and it is planned to update it accordingly. The content was reviewed by Mathijs and approved. Besides, a logo for our group was established and the first version of the UI Style Guide was created. The style guide needs feedback but this will be provided in week 6.


- For the cost calculation, I think it is good it has a strong foundation to build on now. Though, it may have been a better idea to start with it sooner and break down the amount of time working on it. It took quite some time to note down what needed to be included and research all costs. In that time, I could have also researched and practiced more with Unreal Engine (learning goal 1).

- For the UI Style Guide, I learned more about typography and its rules, and more about UI fundamentals in general. This knowledge can be applied to creating the UI elements.

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