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  • Talitha ten Hagen

Blog Week 6: Learning UE5

Situation: Watch an Unreal Engine 5 (UE5) beginner tutorial to get a fundamental understanding of the engine.

Task: Make notes and follow along with the tutorial.

Activities: I started with watching the tutorial (that I mentioned in my Plan of Approach), I learned about the basics of materials, static and dynamic lighting, and I am currently learning about the landscape tool. I relied on competency 1: Technical research & analysis since this engine is completely new and not offered by Saxion.

Results: I finished the first two hours of the tutorials, and have a somewhat understanding of the above mentioned elements.

Reflection: I hoped to have finished watching the tutorial this week. But I could not concentrate that well. I got distracted easily and often started chatting with the team/studio members. For next week, I would want to finish the tutorial, so I can start with shaders. I will try to focus better and if necessary sit somewhere else.

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