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  • Talitha ten Hagen

Blog Week 9: Landmark 1 & UI Design

Situation: Create UI elements that can be used for the Alpha prototype.

Task: UI elements are clear, have the correct size, and fit the style of the game.

Activities: First, I finished the first design of the Domtoren at the hand of provided feedback by Filip. Then I worked on the UI elements (version 1). At the hand of feedback, research and analysis the UI design was iterated and improved. After that, a second version of the stylesheet was created. Since I had time left, I decided to create a backdrop for our presentation.

Result: Landmark 1 for the game, the Domtoren was created. Improved UI design was created (buttons, icons, stylesheet), a backdrop for our presentation and potential splash screen was created. The intitial design for the Domtoren:

Design stylesheet version 2:

Initial backdrop:

Reflection: A lot of progress was made this week since I could fully focus on the project. Looking back, I may have worked a bit too much, since I also worked on school in the evenings.

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