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  • Talitha ten Hagen

Blogpost #1 (week 1 & 2)

Bijgewerkt op: 18 sep. 2023

Fourth-year CMGT students at University of Applied Sciences Saxion engage in a 5-month IMT&S project during the first and second quartiles, collaborating within groups to serve diverse clients within a studio-like environment. The primary objective of this project is to empower students to mold their professional identities, serving as a crucial precursor to their graduation and subsequent post-graduation phases.

In our team, I have taken on three roles: artist, designer, and copier. As an artist, my responsibilities revolve around delving into procedural generation and 3D modeling within our chosen software. Regarding design, I am tasked with crafting the user interface ((UI) and helping out with creating a seamless user experience (UX). Additionally, I took upon the role of a copier, recording and digitalizing meeting notes, discussions, and other relevant information. These notes are then shared on OneDrive. My overall responsibility includes not only maintaining notes but also effectively managing my time, fostering open communication within the team, and tackling assigned tasks.

During the initial week of our project journey, my focus primarily revolved around foundational activities. First, I was assigned to my designated studio, Studio Lychii. Subsequently, I engaged in selecting a core project (Digital Twin Cities) within the studio. Additionally, I took the time to get to know the group.

Moving into the second week, my efforts shifted towards more project-specific tasks. I formulated questions to ask the client and drafted learning goals, setting the stage for a first client meet-up. Simultaneously, I participated in a first studio meetup, where the team leaders discussed their findings with the team. I also created and uploaded a detailed plan of approach, done at the hand of SMART. Besides, I was tasked with researching various blog platforms, leading to the creation of a Wix mockup, followed by a discussion within the team to finalize our chosen blog platform. Together with Stanislav, I delved into researching our target group, undertaking individual research and engaging in brainstorming sessions with our designer, relying on competence 1 'Technical research and analysis.'

As a result, we formed groups within our studio, and we were assigned to a specific core project. Together, we worked on creating and engaging in discussions about our learning goals, ensuring alignment with the project's objectives. Moreover, we established a solid starting point for our research initiatives, providing us with a foundation from which I can begin the in-depth exploration.

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