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  • Foto van schrijverMax Wierda

#Week 11 & 12

Bijgewerkt op: 26 jan.

STARR Method

Double Diamonds

Learning goal(s) 1

Situation: I spent most of my time refining the main menu UI wireframe, with a focus on collaboration and functionality. During this process I received valuable feedback from Stan, Filip, and Talitha during the review process. In week 12 I also assisted Stan with the tutorial flow and implemented the finalized UI into the Unreal Engine.

Main Menu UI Progress:

A substantial chunk of my time was dedicated to refining the main menu UI. This involved new work, ensuring that the interface not only looked polished but also functioned seamlessly. The feedback of the team really helped me during the review process. There were two websites that helped me during this process: and Both of these links showed me new insights into UI and contributed well to my learning goal focussed on UI and UI.

Figure 1: wireframe for the main menu UI

Figure 2: wireframe with the focus on the highlight

Task: To refine the main menu UI, collaborate with Filip, Stan and Talitha, assist with the tutorial flow, implement the UI into Unreal Engine, and hold discussions regarding models, UI, and the main menu.

Team Collaboration:

Stan, Filip, and Talitha provided invaluable insights during the review phase. Their feedback was not just a set of suggestions but a collaborative effort to enhance the user experience. It's always enlightening to see how diverse perspectives can shape and elevate a project.

Tutorial Flow and UI Integration:

I also had the opportunity to assist Stan with the tutorial flow. Collaborating on this aspect not only allowed me to contribute to a different facet of the project but also provided a fresh perspective on user onboarding. The amalgamation of ideas and skills is what makes team efforts truly powerful.

Figure 3: roadmap of the new tutorial flow

Implementing UI in Unreal:

Transitioning from the design phase to implementation, I began integrating the finalized UI into the Unreal Engine. This stage marks a crucial step forward in turning concepts into tangible, interactive elements within the virtual environment. To achieve this I used multiple links that showed me how UI works in Unreal Engine. Firstly this link:, this was a basic tutorial for implementation of the UI. Also took a look at this one: and finally the one which helped me the most was:

Action: I spent a substantial amount of time refining the main menu UI, ensuring that it looked polished and functioned seamlessly. I received valuable feedback from Stan, Filip, and Talitha during the review process, which was a collaborative effort to enhance the user experience. I also assisted Stan with the tutorial flow and implemented the finalized UI into the Unreal Engine. I held discussions with Filip and Talitha regarding models, UI, and the main menu.

Strategic Discussions:

Models and UI:

Engaging in a discussion with Filip about models and UI was enlightening. Exploring the intersection of design and functionality is pivotal, and these conversations lay the groundwork for cohesive integration.

Main Menu UI Discussion with Talitha:

Talitha and I had a detailed discussion about the main menu UI. It was refreshing to exchange ideas and align our visions, ensuring that the UI not only met aesthetic standards but also fulfilled its functional requirements.

Result: The main menu UI was refined, and the team received valuable feedback from the review process. I assisted with the tutorial flow and implemented the UI into the Unreal Engine. Strategic discussions were held regarding models, UI, and the main menu, which contributed to the integration of design and functionality.

Reflection: my primary focus was refining the main menu UI, collaborating with Stan, Filip, and Talitha. Their feedback in the review process wasn't just suggestions but integral to our shared goal of enhancing user experience. Balancing polished design and seamless functionality was crucial, and the iterative process highlighted the strength of teamwork.

Assisting Stan with the tutorial flow provided a fresh perspective on user onboarding, showcasing the power of diverse contributions within the team. Transitioning to implementation, I utilized tutorial links to integrate the UI into the Unreal Engine, marking a significant step forward. Strategic discussions with Filip on models and UI, as well as detailed conversations with Talitha about the main menu, shaped the project's direction. These discussions emphasized the intersection of design and functionality, ensuring alignment of visions and standards.

Sources used:

  1. Basic UI Implementation Tutorial:

  1. Additional Tutorial:

  1. Most Helpful Tutorial:

  1. UI Design Patterns:

  1. Menu Design Insights:

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