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  • Foto van schrijverMax Wierda

# Week 7 & 8

Bijgewerkt op: 26 jan.

STARR Method

Double Diamonds

Learning goal(s) 2,3

Situation: Week 7 was a pivotal juncture in our project, characterised by an intensive focus on testing, refinement, and adaptability. The week was dedicated to user testing, redesigning the game rules explanation, testing the redesigned document, and gathering valuable feedback. Week 8 introduced an unexpected setback in the form of my illness, rendering me unable to actively contribute to the project.

Task: To conduct user testing, redesign the game rules explanation, test the redesigned document, gather feedback, and overcome the setback caused by illness.

Action: During Week 7, we focused on user testing to gather feedback from potential users and align our project with its intended audience. I redesigned the game rules explanation document to provide a comprehensive yet clear understanding of the game's mechanics, eliminating ambiguity. We tested the redesigned document with experienced testers and received highly promising results. User testing yielded invaluable feedback, serving as a compass to guide our subsequent actions. We also observed that some participants took a while to grasp the intricacies of the game, which was in line with the nature of our puzzle-based experience. In Week 8, I was unable to actively contribute to the project due to my illness, but the team continued to drive the project forward.

Result: Weeks 7 and 8 constituted a transformative chapter in our project development. The emphasis on user testing and the redesign of the game rules explanation was instrumental in aligning our project with user expectations. While my absence due to illness was regrettable in Week 8, it was reassuring to witness the unwavering dedication of our team.

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