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  • Mathijs Lehman

Week 4

During week 4 our team started with establishing our scope. From the existing 4 concepts we gathered everyones preferences and downsides. After this we settled on a single concept for which we brainstormed more aspects. Think of game mechanics, game style, game systems etc. We pitched these ideas on Wednesday to our client who gave us some feedback but mostly that he likes our current approach. After this meeting we established the games' pillars so that we can base our new concepts and ideas with the goals of the pillars in mind.

During Thursday and Friday 3 of the members of the team attended a Hackathon. Because of this these days were spend mostly by the art department on setting the base for the art style. They analyzed different art styles and from this came up with a stylesheet, a moodboard and worked on the onepager.

With that we ended of the week and are looking this week to start with the prototyping of art assets and some mechanics. The concept will have to be developed further for this which will happen during the start of the week.

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