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  • Mathijs Lehman

Week 8+9 DTC (Team)

Situation: Setting up the first prototype visuals, design and interactive build for the scheduled week 10 Alpha Prototype.

Tasks: What needed to be developed was the art assets for the houses and the roads, UI elements like icons and the digital prototype itself to hold all these assets and has the functionality for playtesting.

Activities: To achieve this the designers together with the artists accumilated an asset list containing the must have assets for the alpha prototype and already some for the future. The artists took this list and have been working on it and some extra visual components like shaders and VFX for individual learning goals. The engineer has been working on the Unreal build together with a technical artist splitting the functionality in 2 aiming to join this together during week 10.

Result: Most assets have been completed and the documentation for all the functionality has been created. The engineer department has been delayed because of a longer learning period compared to the expected estimations. This will be worked on during week 10 and caught up on by the latest week 12 according to the current schedule. All of this will be discussed in the sprint review this week.

Reflection: The tasks have been properly split so that the different diciplines can work independently on their own tasks without being hindered by another groups delay. There might have to be a framework set up in the case of a major delay for a group to make sure that the other individuals within the project will still be able to show off all their work as much as possible.

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