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Week 6


- A decision needs to be made in terms of what kind of procedural generation we are going to use for our project.

- The use of C++ is required to build a procedural generation system and different mechanics involved in the project.

- The art and style standards need to be finalised into a style sheet for consistency in the future.


- Research procedural techniques that could be used in our project.

- Learn C++ using a tutorial to get the basic syntax down.

- Discussion with artists about style being used.


- I started research the procedural techniques and wanted to write down my research in a document. I later discussed with the designers what exactly we were going for in terms of generation as the techniques I found weren't meant for a hexagonal grid.

- I used the website to get the basics down for c plus plus.

- I talked to Filip about the style sheet that was made and gave feedback on a few test assets made as well as some uncertainties I found.


- I wasn't able to fully finish the research as we had decided that this would be something for later on. The designers would look into this and come back to us once its fully realised.

- I made a start on the tutorial, but as it is quite long I probably won't be covering everything. I will come back to it ever now and then to refresh on some topics.

- Filip took the feedback into account and said he would work on the next iteration of the style sheet. I will check up on this next week.


- I should have probably discussed this with the designers sooner, but I hadn't thought about the procedural generation in detail and thus didn't know the complications it would bring.

- I unfortunately wasn't able to make much progress on it as I was quite busy with the other discussions and prototyping of the project. Next week we will start working on the basic mechanics of the game in Unreal Engine so I will be working more with C++.

- The discussion went well and I was able to get my points across nicely.

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