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Week 8 & 9


- C++ version of the grid spawning script needs to be finished before the mid-term presentation


- Solve issue with the C++ crashing Unreal or find an alternative to C++


- I tried to solve the issue with the C++ crash, but I couldn't find a solution anywhere. I had asked on the CMGT server for help, asked others from the studio, and asked one my team members. None of them could find the issue with it. I later decided to make a blueprint version of the grid spawning code, as I had worked with this before. This was done quickly and I had a look at it with the designer on how to approach the next step. Later decided it might be a good idea to give the blueprint version to the designer.


- As I had made the blueprint version, I figured out the logic behind the generation of the hexagon grid. I was unfortunately unable to help the designer get the blueprint version to work on his pc. Once I got back to the original code, I realised there was one very small issue with the code that everyone overlooked. Once I fixed this there was no longer an issue and I could continue. I translated the logic from the blueprint to C++ and finally got the grid spawning to work using C++.

A GIF showcasing how the grid spawning script works in Unreal Engine:

The blueprint logic I made before translating it to C++:


- I can sometimes get stuck in a loop of trying to solve a single issue and not move forward. After a discussion with the designer I realised I should put my energy somewhere else for now. I was able to find the issue after leaving it for a while and doing something else and also used that time to work out the logic behind the grid spawning. I will keep in mind to apply this approach in the future if I get stuck again.

For week 9 I had a surgery at the hospital and had to recover for the remaining week. This meant I wasn't able to do any work.

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