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  • Foto van schrijverQuint Winter


During these weeks we as an team have been mostly researching and preparing solution/concepts for our client.

I had been given the task of an competitors analysis for art and concepts.

With that research document I have researched different projects that are related by topic of our project title/concept. Findings in this research documents are that Digital Twin Cities is an existing project used worldwide and also nationally in the Netherlands by multiple cities. It’s mostly focused on helping local governments and give them data about their cities to see the bigger pictures. Most of them accessible to the normal citizen though they are very overwhelming and hard to use.

Further I had looked in gameplay aspects from games that are closely related to the topic, with this research I went in to look for inspirations for a more gamified experience for our project. There is no end conclusion to this just yet as the direction of the project isn’t decided yet.

Lastly I looked into art styles from games/projects that we could possibly inspire our art style on. In that research I also looked into what is important when choosing an art style for your project. With that research it was concluded that it’s more important that your art style fits you gameplay direction and general angle of your rather then what’s popular with your main target group.

Further I had participated into brainstorming of our project idea which is undetermined the moment of this blog post.

During the brainstorming I had come up with an variation of existing game called "Dorfromantik"

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