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  • Mathijs Lehman

Week 14 DTC

Situation: Merging the 3 existing branches into main

Task: Merge the branches into main to have them ready for playtesting


Last week I worked mostly on implementing the other branches and resolving any merge issues by copying the blueprints into the blueprint pastebin and then manually checking the differences. This was a tedious process but for as far as I know I am not aware of any other methods of doing blueprint merging in Unreal.


Althought slow, the merging went well. It finished with a success and the current build is ready for playtesting. From here on out we will only be focussing on the visual side of things to make the game look nicer for our portfolio items.


Since merging is not a very optimized process in unreal we have to take better care of who is working on what blueprints at all times. This way we can minimize the amount of merge issues that occur and improve the overal workflow.

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