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  • Mathijs Lehman

Week 13 DTC

Situation: Implementing the range shader, save states and the improved blueprint shader

Task: Finish the alpha prototype for playtesting


Last week I was sadly sick from Wednesday till Saturday so I tried to catch up on Sunday by implementing the range shader and started working on the save and load state. After this I got everything to work together on Monday and also improved some already existing functionalities.


All of the key mechanics are in place for playtesting to take place now. It has taken longer than anticipated but is also better than we had written down before starting on it. Because of the added visual components it also looks quite a bit better now and will get more improvements when I merge the UI branch and road branch when those are done with their implementations.


Being sick sucks but at least it helps give motivation in the form of feeling like I'm letting the other group members down so I work harder in the weekend and on Monday.

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