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  • Mathijs Lehman

Week 11 DTC

Situation: Finish the first prototype in unreal

Task: Add functionality of necessities giving points to roads in range


The functionality was added today after running into some small mistakes in the code that took longer to fix. The range is currently only visible as a value in the editor and will have to be visualized using the UI that will be implemented soon


Blueprint systems although a lot faster are still new to me so things like debugging are taking more time as I can't understand the structure just as fluid yet as I can with written lines of code. Despite this we have an (almost) fully completed first prototype that is ready for user testing.


I've sat down with other people who helped me talk through the issues we were running into making sure that we all together got to the solution. It helped a lot and just reminds me that if I run into something there is no harm in asking someone to sit down with me and talk through the issues in the code together.

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