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  • Stanislav Stoyanov

The Definition (Week 4)

Situation: Defining a concept and participating in a Hackathon

Task: Documenting a high-level concept with a clear vision; finding a solution for VPRO's and team Broadcasting's given problem within a 2-day timeframe.

Activities: Initially, the team and I discussed the advantages and disadvantages of three concepts. We ultimately chose the limited actions city-builder concept due to its intuitive controls, strong potential for audience engagement, and ability to generate long-lasting discussions. Afterward, we brainstormed game mechanics individually and as a team. Once we confirmed the ideas with our client, we formulated our vision and established our game pillars.

Results: We conducted SWOT analyses for each concept, expanded upon the chosen one in a mind map, defined the game pillars, and I created the initial version of the One-pager.

Reflection: Overall, the process went smoothly without major setbacks, as everyone agreed on the general concept. However, the process was a bit slow due to team members being absent at different times, which required waiting to make decisions. Nonetheless, this is a normal part of the process, and considering the importance of this stage, it is crucial to hear everyone's opinion.

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