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  • Mathijs Lehman

Week 1 & 2

During week 1 we were mostly given an introduction for the IMT&S project. The first day only consisted of the kick-off presentation and a questionnaire about leadership positions. During the second day we got introduced to our studio and projects. Throughout the second day I took on the role as lead engineer as frankly no one else was enthousiastic about the position. For the remainding time in the week we established the groups, got introduced to the projects and chose project leaders. I, with the support of my project members, took on the role of project leader, a role I wanted to work on my soft-skills for my portfolio.

During the second week we had our first meeting with our client. For this meeting I prepared several questions that I had left over after the initial explanation during the first week. We learned that the project didn't really have any guidelines as the "best product" for their goal hadn't been established yet. I gathered several topics that still needed to be researched and divided our project members across them. Everyone set out to conduct research into their own topics which we shared at the end of the week and established new questions and findings for the upcoming week.

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